Tag Archives: Children

Can Divorcing Parents Share the Nest?
Divorcing parents sharing the nest. Creative parenting arrangements can take many forms, one of which is nesting. In a nesting arrangement, the children are the ones who “keep the house” while the parents take turns living there. For many families, nesting allows for the least possible disruption at a time when so much is… Read More »

Paying for College: 3 Things Divorcing Parents Should Do
Managing College Expenses During a Divorce. Your child has met the college application deadline and the acceptances are rolling in… but for divorcing parents, there’s another worry: How are college expenses to be paid and by whom? States do not impose an obligation on parents to pay for their children’s college expenses and these… Read More »

Four Common Myths About “The House” in Divorce
The house is the biggest marital asset for most people. That’s why when you are going through a divorce, it’s worthwhile to take some time to figure out how to use or divide this asset wisely. In this post, I examine four myths surrounding the family home and the role it plays in divorce.