Category Archives: Co-parenting | Eileen Coen, JD Mediation

Can Divorcing Parents Share the Nest?
Divorcing parents sharing the nest. Creative parenting arrangements can take many forms, one of which is nesting. In a nesting arrangement, the children are the ones who “keep the house” while the parents take turns living there. For many families, nesting allows for the least possible disruption at a time when so much is… Read More »

The “Quick & Dirty” on Dating While Separated
If you and your spouse are separated and you’re feeling anxious to meet someone new… this Valentine’s Day might have you wondering whether, and when, it’s okay to date. Having a conversation about dating is difficult but important to do before either spouse ventures out on dates. Back by popular demand, I’m re-posting a… Read More »

Sites That Encourage Heroic Co-Parenting After Divorce
My last post addressed the importance of children having access to both parents who are separated or divorced. But here’s the rub… Co-parenting with your “Ex” can be especially challenging as you navigate the new, prickly terrain of separation and divorce. Often it takes a heroic act to put conflict aside and put children’s… Read More »

The Best Gift for Kids in Divorce: Access to Both Parents
Kids need access to both parents. Several studies have shown that children point to the “loss of a parent” as the most harmful consequence of their mother and father divorcing. Most often the “lost parent” is Dad. Traditionally, mothers have tended to be gatekeepers, and when trust in a marriage is lost, fathers often… Read More »

An International Parenting Plan for Hannah
Eliza is an American, who works for an international aid agency. She is about to embark on a two-year assignment in Jordan. Peter is German. He is an economist with plans to return to his home country to teach at a university. Together, they are trying to work out custody for their six-year-old daughter,… Read More »

International Divorce and Parenting Across Borders
Today, we live in a global society where international marriages and divorces are increasingly prevalent. While international marriage may no longer work, the international family is forever. This article will address the parenting and relocation issues unique to international couples going through a divorce. It is not unusual for one or both parents to… Read More »

Whose House for the Holidays?
Whose house for the holidays? The holidays can be an especially stressful time when you are going through a separation or divorce. It’s hard to get into the holiday spirit when your family is in limbo or separated and you’re feeling anxious, angry, or hurt. But there are many ways that parents can create… Read More »